Tuesday, December 9, 2008

December 10th workshop

60 + 1 (keys)

Sixty plus one, that's the magic number.
Those two numerals create something so complex
with so many keys and functions
as it lays there, waiting to be touched.
Each touch differs depending on where my hand is placed;
sometimes it yells, sometimes it's a soft sound due to my touch.
It differs with each key.
I don't know where to start, the top or the bottom
but it all looks the same to me.
Everything is the same two shades, black keys white keys.
Sixty plus one, those numbers mattered to the likes of Micky Mantle and Roger Maris,
to me also, but in a different way 61 equates to my challenge.
Why am I so afraid?
I put forth so much effort, this is my chance.
I shouldn't be afraid should I?
After all it's laying right there,
right in front of me waiting.
That sleek, exquisite frame.
Those keys, those buttons.
How could I resist?
I must be crazy to hesitate.
I read all those books and studied religiously,
I can do this.
If I don't, nobody's going to do it for me.
I guess we'll find out if it all paid off.
By adding 60 to 1
by pressing those keys.


nadia said...

This piece sounds alot like Asmeena's piece in following a certian path-but the uncertainty of how to get to it. I like the flow of this writing. Yet i am a little bit confused as to what exactly you mean by the 60 + 1. Is it a metaphor to something deeper than what i presume it to be a piano?

William said...

This story, is, as Nadia said, similar to ashmeenas in that it deals with a certain insecurity and the is followed by a decision. It would seem odd to me that someone would study piano (if it is a piano that you're referring to) by not playing it but by reading about it then having to actually play it. In either case, I see the frustration but I feel that a little more background on what it's actually so frustrating would be more elucidating.