Friday, December 12, 2008

Not for Workshop-just a random piece


Dear Baby,

There are some things that should be mentioned to you on the way to your self discovery. I’m writing this not to scare you or deprive you of any moment that is ending one minute at a time. I want you to be happy but happiness only goes so far. Life, baby, is a sea of great expectations. The way you handle the boat’s oars is the path in which you will travel. You have to push through the currents and the uneasiness of the winds. The trip is bound to hurt you, but it is up to you to achieve your own moral salvage.

Life is not all about sexual maladjustments and erotic desires, baby. Don’t believe all of what Freud says. Remember, be trustworthy but never trust. There would be a lot of fools with lines to preach-be skeptical baby. They are selfish human beings who seek self-gratification at your expense. You have to build a forth wall once you find your significant other. Remember they are your audience and you are the performer. Act but don’t be a Hollywood entertainer. If you allow them to break this wall, learn to attach but do not combine. If worse comes to worse let him break your heart, but not shatter into millions of pieces for you can bind what’s in two but you can’t mend the shattered mirror of self.

In a way baby, Holden is right-life is full of phonies. But don’t ever become one. When asked, these goddam frauds don’t care about how your day is or how you are. Trust me they have much more crap on their plate than to worry about your problems. Remember, nobody genuinely cares about you baby. It’s a troubling concept but it must be dealt with. Those who you think are your friends are only people with secret identities who claim to be your friends. Their true colors are exposed at the end of the rainbow, baby, whose ending is far from a pot of gold.

Money, baby, is the derivation of all immorality. Own, but do not get owned. Possess, but do not become possessed. In the words of Tyler Durden; you are not the money that you will be earning. You are not the car that you will be driving. You are not your house and you are definitely not your job. These “things” are put forth in front of your optical to act as obstacles and deprive you of your true identity. Your name is just a word. But, you baby, is the only one who can set forth its meaning.

The truth is baby, life is a bitch. You give a dog meat, and it satisfied. You give individuals the road to success and they become successful. It’s a Pavlonian experiment in which everything works in patterns. Your task is to break such patterns and live YOUR life. Experience every opportunity, inspire your imagination, and feed your conscience with pleasure. But be sure, baby, to stay within the lines as you glide against the fresh canvas.

Your mommy

Good Luck :)

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