Saturday, December 13, 2008

Your portfolio

Just a final reminder of what should be included in your portfolio.

From the syllabus:
At the end of the semester, you will submit to me a portfolio of 15-30 pages of your best work, which may include poetry, fiction, non-fiction, drama, shopping lists, or anything that you feel is good writing, including your emails or posts for the class. It must include revised versions of the material you workshopped in the class, and a 2-3 page note explaining what work you’ve done with the material in the context of the course. The portfolio is worth 50%.

For the "note" mentioned above, here are further specifics: it should be in two parts. First, a 1-2 page statement about your writing process with regards to the portfolio: which pieces you thought worked best, anything you learned about your own writing during the course, and generally any comments you have about your own work. Second, I also want you to write a 1-2 page appreciation of another writer's work: choose your favorite story, poem, novel, essay, play, script, or whatever by a writer you like and explain why you like that particular piece. You can use George Saunders' essay about "The School" as a model. These notes are not included in the 15-30 page count, by the way.

Your portfolio can be submitted on paper, stapled or bound, in a folder, in a chapbook, or electronically as a pdf or MS Word file. It's up to you, but please do put some effort into presentation.


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