Tuesday, December 9, 2008

3rd piece for 12/10 workshop

Ok folks, this is a record for me but I'm making up for lost time. This is my third and final workshop post for tomorrow's class, sorry it's so last minute.

Three Words

He sees her at the bus stop.
Without thinking he makes his way over
to kill time while waiting.
Normally he would've stood in the same spot
and waited for the bus
not saying a word.
Today was different for some reason.
He stops right in front of her.
He knows his window of opportunity will close soon
so he figures he has enough time for three words.
He can't decide on which three words.
Now he wishes he had rehearsed before he started walking.
There are so many possibilities and combinations.
Which one is the right one?
He looks her up and down to get an idea.
Now only one three letter word seems to come to mind.
"Hi, I'm (name here)"? "Naw, too cliche" he thinks to himself.
"Let's go out!" "Too straightforward....and a bit creepy" he thinks.
"What's your sign?" "What is this the 80s?" he asks himself.
He finally regains his composure and focus.
He ultimately decides on his three words.
He opens his mouth...."Nice to meet you", she says
He breathes a sigh of relief.
He would not suffer the fate of the cheesy opening line.
His window shut, but an even better one opened
because he is no longer limited to three words.
He is amazed what can happen in 2.5 seconds,
but quickly disregards the thought and carries on the conversation.


Justine said...

This piece makes me think about how nothing in life is certain and that you shouldn't worry about small things becuase you never know what can happen and unexpceted things happen all the time. good job.

Ashmeena Teakram said...

this is a nice piece that actualy happens n a day to day basis....cant wait to see wat happens next.....u should continue

nadia said...

This is a very genuine piece. Its nice to see a change of perspective when it comes to the emotions that come in during moments of attraction and love. I think you did a great job in expressing your deeper feelings.