Monday, December 1, 2008


All emotions, gone!
Nothing gets my attention anymore,
Wondering around in a dark, mysterious, forest.
Everything is strange , yet with a familiar sense of belonging.
Lost is what I am,
Troubled is what I've been,
Happy is what I'll never be.

A hole in my heart,
A missing puzzle piece within my soul.
What is it that I seek, that cannot be mine?
For I know that nothing can ever be mine. Nothing!
Eventually I will leave it all, as I say "goodbye" this world of ours.
Yet why?, why am I so attached?
Knowing that attachment is the main cause for pain and sorrow.
Those two words follow me like a dark cloud,
Reluctant to ever leave my side.

I Feel like a broken instrument,
A scratched Cd that just can't play,
I am like a mirror that falls and breaks into hundreds of pieces,
however if you look into each piece you can definitely see a part of me,
Separted yet so whole.


Maria said...

This is such a great poem. There is so much emotion, but you write it with such honesty and openess that makes it more captivating to the reader. I really love the last stanza "Feel like a broken instrument,
A scratched Cd that just can't play,
I am like a mirror that falls and breaks into hundreds of pieces,
however if you look into each piece you can definitely see a part of me,
Separted yet so whole"

JoAnne said...

I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to explore this on in class. I think all of your poetry has a lyrical aspect to it. Your words flow in a way that screams to be performed. This would be a great song.

Justine said...

i love how your express yourself in this poem, and all of the ones that you have shared with class. I really like the images that you create here,and the last stanza too.

nadia said...

Ashmeena this is truly a great poem. When I read this I feel like your feelings have been bottled up within you for so long about this topic that once it reached the paper, it became so powerful and deep. I really liked the metaphorsvthat you used tpwarss the end.