Monday, December 1, 2008

This is for You.

This is just a poem that I have been working on, let me know what you think please.

You are what my heart longs for.
I feel your eyes on my as I talk to you,
And without even saying a word, I know you understand.
You have this way of calming me down, and bringing me
Back to reality when I have lost my way.
I don't understand how you have this power over me.
Maybe its because you get me.
Maybe its because you make me feel important.

You are what my body longs for.
When I am close to you, I breathe you in.
I just close my eyes and take a deep breathe-
capturing your scent.
At night when I am in bed, I imagine you next me,
laying here holding me in your arms.
I don't understand how why I feel this way
Maybe its because you are caring.
Maybe its because you make me feel wanted.

You are what my mind longs for.
You always know what to say and how to say it.
Somehow you always get my mind going.
You bring out the best of me as well as the worst.
You make me think about things in every aspect.
I don't understand how you get me to do these things.
Maybe its because you intrigue me
Maybe its because you challenge me.


Tyrike said...

I like the strong emotion you put into the poem.I also like the way it's so personal.My favorite lines are the last two because it took the poem in a different direction which is interesting because it ended the poem.Good Gob!

nadia said...

I really enjoyed reading this writing. It is very strong in emotions as Tyrile has brought out. I think that you should go as far as to describe the scent that you have mentioned to greater extenuate the sense to arouse more emotions. I liked how u began the writing of how your heart longs for him and the way you ended it by saying that maybe he just challenges you.

Ashmeena Teakram said...

wow i think this poem show that u have definitely experienced love n it portrays very well...... i know for a fact that when i was in love this is how i felt n u did a great job expressing it.