Friday, September 12, 2008

I just woke up

I just woke up and remembered my dream so I came here to post it!


It was a regular day in my English class. I was doing my work and was waiting for my next class to start when all of a sudden my dad came in. "Guess what?" "What?" "I've just been hired to teach your senior seminar!" I was horrified. My dad was going to teach a class? My dad isn't a teacher at all! I got my books ready to go to the next class. I still had all the work from my other professor for the seminar. I asked my dad numerous times if he was sure he'd been hired. He insisted that he had been. I went to the classroom. My dad was there with an older lady. I guess she was a translator? I sat down in the front of the class. My dad sat at the desk next to me with a notebook out as if he was going to take notes. "Introduction to Art" was written on the page. My dad dug into his backpack. "Do you need a pen? Here's one." "Dad, you know you have to stand in front of the class." My dad got up and suddenly started giving out syllabi. I knew something was up. The syllabi had a map of China with Chinese lettering and information about Peru. It actually looked like a real syllabus. He started to speak and lecture. His voice didn't sound like his at all. The students started slowly coming into the classroom.


After that I woke up. Pretty strange dream!

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