Saturday, November 8, 2008


This is an imagined interview between myself and my favorite actor, Leonardo DiCaprio.

Trish: Hey……it’s Leonardo DiCaprio!

Leonardo: Nice to finally meet you Patricia. It’s been a long time.

Trish: I know! I’ve been a fan of yours for over ten years. I’m 21 now!

Leonardo: God, I was 21 back in 1995. I was very scrawny and skinny. I hadn’t even met Martin Scorsese yet.

Trish: Anyways, It’s an honor to meet you in person! Do you know that I had a fansite about you?

Leonardo: Yes, I did know actually. You posted the link on my website’s forum and were banned from posting pictures.

Trish: Did you ever visit it?

Leonardo: I must admit, sometimes I get curious about what other people think about me. I lie though and say that I don’t care in interviews. People would view me differently then.

Trish: You didn’t really answer my question.

Leonardo: I have such a busy schedule. I’m in Europe now promoting my new movie Body of Lies and have no time to even sleep, much less go on the internet.

Trish: There were paparazzi pictures of you leaving a London club at 4am

Leonardo: I deserve to have a good time, don’t I?

Trish: ….Speaking of Body of Lies, are you upset that more people didn’t see it?

Leonardo: Of course. Ridley was directing, and Russell Crowe was my co-star. America would rather spend their money watching trash like High School Musical 3 than a political thriller.

Trish: You know, some people still aren’t comfortable watching movies that reference the War.

Leonardo: Have you seen it?

Trish: Actually, no. I love your movies, but your political movies bore me to death. I’m excited for Revolutionary Road though

Leonardo: That’s because people assume it will be Titanic 2 because Kate and I are both starring in it. There’s an in-depth story that people won’t even care about.
Trish: ….I’ve been asking all the questions here. Do you want to say anything else?

Leonardo: People have to do more about the environment. Every reporter cares only about my love life. No one asks about the more important things.

Trish: How is your love life?

Leonardo: I don’t talk about that in interviews.

(Publicist comes in, and notions that time is up)

Trish: It was a pleasure talking to you Leo. Can I call you Leo?

Leonardo: Sure, everyone else does so it’s not the private name it used to be anymore.


William said...

Well, don't know much of actors but at least in your fictitious interview he's not as presumptuous as he seems to be. It's also odd that he knows you in person, that you had a site about him and that you were banned from some messageboard--certainly this Leonardo is almost as up to date with you as you are with him!

Corey Frost said...

Pretty funny, Patricia. Leo certainly comes off quite well in this depiction of him - you weren't tempted to take any more shots?

Jody-Ann said...

hey... i like this piece because it was clear and precise. There wasn't much room for the reader to get lost which is a good writing skill. I didn't really take much from it though; apart from the fact that you admire DiCaprio A lot... Prehaps if you added a couple more sentences at the end to complete or summarize the piece.