Monday, November 10, 2008


This is the script that Corey asked me to put in addition to the one i already posted before. Just a not to Corey, the copy that i gave is not the same as the one i am posting i have edited it and changed a few things.

Untitled Film Project
By Jacob Kutnicki

Int. Day.

Scene Opens with black screen just dialogue. As the interview progresses the black begins to fade into the face of Sol sitting in a chair.

I only wanted one thing for my 13th birthday. I wanted a guitar. That’s it. Honestly, at first I wasn’t intent on being the next Hendrix or Stevie Ray, I just wanted to up my chances at pussy. It didn’t work that well. If anything it made me jerk off even more cause I would be home all day playing guitar.

Interviewer (Offscreen)
How did that make you feel?

How did what make me feel?

Interviwer (Offscreen)
Sitting in your room playing guitar all day.

Made me feel fuckin’ A dude. I thought I was the greatest. I had wicked ADD so it gave me something to do with my hands other then jerk off. I mean I thought it was cool. I thought I would be showered in girls, playing at budokan, fucking cock rocking you know.

So these dreams are what made you start a Band?

No I think the band kind of started um…. It started cause of frustration you know. For the first like 4 or 5 years of playing I just kind jammed in my room or along to records or something like that. It didn’t seem logical to start anything until I had my drivers licence cause I didn’t want to just in play in like a friends garage or some shit like that I wanted to be on stage. I wanted to be a rockstar.

What happened to those dreams?


He stares Solemnly at the floor, as if searching for a different answer than the one he was thinking in his mind.

I guess they Died.

(Screen Goes Back To black. Music starts. Queens Under Pressure. Montage of the Different characters in intimate scenes of their life. Joe at around age 16 playing guitar in his living room. He looks up reacting to yelling. His mother is yelling at him. Cut to him sleeping in class. Cut to him Fighting with his brother, running into the kitchen grabbing a knife and throwing it at the camera screen wipe to Bobby looking in the mirror flexing. Cut to him buying pills. Cut to taking them. Then fast motion of him playing drums and working out interspliced. Cut to Mike Recieveing his test back in class with a 45 on it. Cut to his father squeezing the fat on his belly. His face in a grimace. Cut to Sol at around 12 crying hiding under his desk. Cut to him in high school at around sixteen staring out the window. As the song ends cut quickly through each member in their homes practicing their instruments)

Steadicam shot entering the doors of a small building. Camera looks at an Adult reprimanding a student holding a basketball

Its class time not ball time, you want to go sit in my office or class?

Camera continues to move, we see one student bumming a cigarette off another one. Continue moving through the school walking past each open door. See a student pushing a smaller student into a corner and squishing him as he screams. The big kid just laughs. Camera keeps moving and ends on Sol sitting in the lunch room reading the paper. A voice causes Sol to look up, Its Mike.)

The fuck you doing Betty Sue?

What does it look like I'm doing

It looks like your reading the paper

Did Watson help you figure that one out?

What? (Pause) Didn’t I ask for shit buddies like ten minutes ago?



And what?

Sol is still reading the paper as this whole conversation is taking place

Im squeezing my cheeks here dude. I need to shit right now.

It went away

What went away?

The feeling

What you mean it went away?

I mean ten minutes ago I had to shit and now ten minutes later I don’t.

Well then just come in to the bathroom with me while I shit

I’m not going to stand in the bathroom smelling your shit.

Don’t be a dick dude. You said you’d come so come.

Cut to Sol looking up from his paper, his look is annoyed. Cut to Mike sitting on the toilet reading the paper this time

Holy shit did you see this dude?

I don’t wanna look at what your body produced dude

No seriously look at this.

Mike throws the papers under the stall door and they scatter across the bathroom floor. Sol looks down and processes this stupid act then leans over to pick it up. He looks at the page. It says Community center Battle of the bands in big letters

Yea so what about it

You wanna do it?

Try out for the battle of the bands? I dunno. I don’t know any drummer or bassists or anything.

So fuck it we will go just you and me. Bring your acoustic.

What are we gonna play?

I dunno, figure it out later. Listen cockmuncher it’ll be cool and there’s a $500 Prize for the winner. We should try out.

(Unenthused) Alright.

For the last couple of lines we hear the toilet paper dispenser being used. Finally we hear a flush. Mike comes out of the stall. Just then another student walks in to bathroom and walk over to the urinal. Instead of unzipping his fly, he pulls down his pants to his knees and proceeds to pee. Sol and Mike at each other puzzled by this strange event. Mike goes over behind the student and pushes him into the urinal.

Pull up your fucking pants dildo.


Trishy said...

This question is a bit OT, but do you know personally someone named Sol? It's the same of someone I know.

Anyways, I like the scene shifts, but I wasn't sure what the ending was supposed to be. They shove the student, but how does that change Sol's dreams of wanting to be a rock star? Your vivid descriptions though are excellent. I want to know what happens to Sol!

William said...

This seems like one of those end-first-beginning-second type of stories (if I'm understanding it correctly), but even with this there's that speculative hole that connect them both and that it's not stated. So Sol is being interviewed (age unknown) and then we go into his memories which lead to what perhaps would be the first step into his rockstar dreams--here's the hole--and it ends (which is the beginning) that his dreams died (or that he's not a rockstar).

So what happened? Did the guy who pulled his pants all the way down to pee in the urinal say something along the lines of "feels good man" or was this the start of the end of Sol's career?

Jacob Kutnicki said...

I prob should have mentioned in the intro to this piece that this is ascene in a film. It is part or a 90-120 page script that i have not finished and am going to right with my friend maurice who the character Mike is based on. the reason the first scene is an interview is because it is fromt he end of the film, after the band that we decide to start becomes famous but eventually fall apart with a few characters storylines ending in tragedy. I hope that clarifys it for the two of you. And Patricia, my middle name is solomon which is also my cousins name. the charachter Sol is based on me. So Yes i do know someone named sol.

nadia said...

I have to give it to Jacob you truly have a talent for writing. This is a great piece. i actually like the change of scene. When i was reading this, I actually saw a vivid picture of the events that were going on although the bathroom scene did strike me the most-not in a bad way though. I also liked the whole interview that you added but it feels more like a patient therapist relationship and i like that idea better. Its great how you incorporate your own life experiences and create a whole story out of it.

Maria said...

What I like about this peice is that you incorporated real life situations that people can relate to, i.e close friends, relationship between the guys. This would be a great movie! I also like the idea of the montage before it goes into the dialogue between Sol and Mike. I think its creative, and it gives the audience a quick overview of the characters.

Arlene said...

i know that you said in class that you didn't mean to make the names "mike" and "sol" as a meaning of the characters themselves, but i personally really enjoyed it. also, i liked the way that you portrayed the friendship that mike and sol both share; it really shows how close they are with each other.

i would definitely love to see a follow-up to this story, if not the finished product. i think that you should complicate the friendship between mike and sol. why is sol alone in the interview? why aren't his band mates with him?