Thursday, September 18, 2008

Descriptive Excercise

I put pen to paper. The Uni-ball glides effortlessly as I manipulate it on the blank page. Its ink is as black as tar. It is also viscous so it creates little mounds of ink on the page like a miniature mountain range made out of some dark, oblique stone. As my pen moves, I feel the tip moving across the surface of sheet, I feel the imperfections of the paper. It reminds me of a hand moving across some portion of skin, feeling the little bumps or crevices it may have. After completing one singular sentence I think to myself, “god I have a whole bunch of empty paper left to write on”. I look at the blank portion of my paper, sitting there like a headstone waiting to be engraved upon. I ready myself and finish writing the paper.


Trishy said...

I love the finality of this piece. Everything written is internal. My only qubble would be that the professor said not to say "I have nothing left to write about". I'd also love to know what you noticed while finshing writing in the paper. Your details are so vivid in the first half; and I think with the commentary the second part can benefit from a similar type of description as well.

William said...

Great intro, I could feel and see every word as I read through it. The ending, though, as Wu mentioned, drifted the continuity from the "the feeling of writing on a piece of paper" to "what to write on the piece of paper" making it an odd hybrid with the assignment.

Corey Frost said...

Hey Jacob. My favourite part is the line describing the viscosity of the ink, a quality which we don't often give much thought to. The viscosity of the ink in a roller pen is different than that of a gel-ink pen or a felt-tip. But the part that really struck me, in connection with our readings for today, was the comparison of the page to a gravestone. Talk about Death of the Author! What were you thinking when you included this morbid analogy?


Jacob Kutnicki said...

I was thinking about how it feels when you have written what you feel is alot of words, but in reality is only 3/4 of a page. Then your left with this seemingly huge, empty, white gap that you somehow need to fill in. that is what i was thinking, though i dont know if my explanation made sense.

Justine said...

I like how you describe the ink and the type of pen you are using. I agree with Patricia I think that you start off this piece by using lots of images and describe everything that comes along your path, but more towards the end you just say what is going on. I would like to know how you felt after the paper was finished.