Saturday, November 1, 2008

From Hallie: November 5th Workshop

Alice burst into the room, (or at least she thought she did). Turns out, she was in the room the entire time, her eyes were just closed.
Music brushed against her back, smooth and velvety. It made her shiver.
She was in the living room and her first instinct was to get to the couch, empty except for a cat.
But there were people and bottles and baggies scattered all over the floor, so much so that it turned into a maze in her mind.
And as she started to navigate her body past the bodies she started thinking about the couch, the end of the maze…
And if life is the maze and the end of life is death, once Alice reached the couch she would surely die.
She turned around and avoided the couch.

Just then, a little blue bird swooped down and started singing about bravery and orange marmalade.
He flew past the living room to a closed door at the end of the hallway.
She followed him to the door, and noticed a bright light shining through the keyhole. But to her dismay, the door was locked.
And there was no little bottle, no note, no way inside. She looked around for the bird, to explain to him that she’d prefer a rabbit (to get things done right) but he was already gone.
Her back slumped against the door and her body slid further and further down until she was up to her neck in carpet and despair.
After a few minutes of sitting she was exhausted and decided to move on.

Smoke drifted throughout the house, but in a good way. Like a fog machine, like a dream, like none of this was real anyway so there was no reason to be crying.
So she started laughing instead and kept on walking.
The cat from the couch walked by her and smiled, and she didn’t know whether he was smiling because she was smiling or the other way around, but either way they were both happy and things were good.
Alice crouched down next to the cat and followed him outside the house onto the porch.

It was nighttime and looking at the moon’s different colors made her happy.
(Last time she had gotten into a fight with the sun, and when the sun won she lost all of her truth.)
After a few hours, or maybe minutes, she started to feel like everyone on the deserted block was staring at her, so she went back inside.
All the people had left, and the cat was asleep,
Patterns stopped vibrating and things became so dull, so ordinary.
Her eyelids were heavy,
And her new realizations and profound understandings had left her with a headache.
So she made her way to the couch without fear of death,
Humming the blue birds song.


Trishy said...

Excellent reimagining of "Alices Adventures in Wonderland". I love the satire you use, poking fun such as "needing a rabbit for it to be done right". I'd love to know more about Alice and what happens to her. Great job!

nadia said...

This is a very interesting retake on Alice in Wonderland. I liked the whole idea about the maze where the end is death and how if she reached the couch, she would die. Im curious, in the end when she made her way to the coach did she really die?

Jacob Kutnicki said...

I like the way visuals your words produced in my head. I Like th Idea of music brushing up Alices back. I think you are a very good writer and i hope you write more.

William said...

Psychedelic stories are so entertaining and liberating, allowing you to state just about everything and anything, in any order, with whatever intention without fear of losing the "thread" of the story. And to this point, actually, I'd like to ask one thing on the story (to clarify the fact): you mention in the beginning of the story that "there were people...scattered all over the floor", but are they dead, alive or just vegetative?

Jody-Ann said...

i must say i was a little confused at times while reading your work. You might want to work on the organization. It wasn't very clear and i didn't see where exactly you were going with this, so you might want adjust it by working towards a goal as to what you want your reader to get from reading your piece.