Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Just something I wrote.

I lie in my bed and close my eyes. A tear runs from my eye warming my face. I lay still and silent, thinking to myself. Maybe I have just realized it’s time to move on. Yet something inside of me is pulling back, making me hold on to you. I just don’t know what it is. I get up and walk across the room. I just need to talk to you. There are some words that I need to say. I go and take me cell phone off the charger and begin to dial your number. I hang up even before it connects. I look down at my hands. I turn my phone over in my sweaty palm. My heart began to beat rapidly. I just have to hear your voice; maybe it will change my mind. No, I can’t. I know what I have to do. I dial again, this time letting it go a second longer before I hang up, I can’t do it. I put the phone back down on the bed and walk away. The phone begins to ring; bringing me back towards the bed, I look at the screen, it’s you. I pick up. You can tell that I have been crying, you always know. “I love you, but I can’t be with you anymore it’s just too hard to look you in the face after all the awful things you have put me through” I say, and then I hang up. Motionless I lie back in my bed, close my eyes, and cry myself to sleep.


Tyrike said...

Nice job! It will be great if you can make it longer.

Ashmeena Teakram said...

OMG!!! wow this feels as if its all my feelings ur writing but i just dont have the guts to actually go thru with it.....
great poem!!!! very descriptive and one that only those who have been there can relate too!!!