Monday, November 10, 2008

Out of Touch With Reality Nov 12 Workshop

Excuse me nurse, where is room 415? "It's right down the hall to your left. If you're here to see Mr. Pacino, he is in a very bad state. He suffered a serious stroke a few weeks ago. His pain is unbearable and he is unable to talk. It's a very sad moment for his close friends and family." Are you kidding. It's amazing he's still alive. I saw him get shot in the back with a double barrow shotty by Sosa's hitman, and shot in the chest by Benny Blonco from the Bronx. Im sure this stroke thing is minor and he will bounce out of it in a hurry. "What!"

Hey Mr.Pacino. Or should I call you Michael Corleone, or Tony Mantana, of Carlito Pregaunte. Man you have a lot of alias. It's a pleasure meeting you after all these years. I've been watching your reality shows since I've been alive. I don't know why just recently people are so fixed on reality shows. You were before your time. You are the pioneer because you had them for about 30 years now. I know your life by heart. The nurse breached me about your situation. I went along with the idea that you're ill, but I know the truth behind you being in the hospital. I know that you're faking your illness so that you don't have to testify in court. That's an old mafia trick. This room might be tapped, so I'll understand why you wont be able to answer some of these questions I have for you. But here they go.

The first thing I want to know is, Did you really have to kill Manny? I knew you told him to stay away from your sister, but come on man, that was your best friend."AHHHHHHOOOOOUUUHHH..." Mr. Pacino, I can't understand what your saying. Can you repeat that. "OOOOOOOUUUUUHHHHH." Oh I get it. That must be a secret code in case the Feds are listening. I don't think im familair with those codes. But I'll tell you what, I'll just ask you these questions, and when your witnesses have vanished(Eye wink), I can visit you and you'll answer them.

Okay where was I? Oh okay. In your earlier years, why didn't you just grant Sosa his request If you think about it, you've killed thousands of people with your cocaine, how much difference would it have been if you would of let the guy blow up the two girls while you continue driven behind the car with the bomb underneath it?

When you shot the guy that was supposed to detinate the bomb, you knew Sosa was going to come after you, why didn't you just leave town?

Man you are a vantrilaquist. You switched from a deep Cuban accent, to a Italian-American accent in a matter of months. In that first episode of the Godfather, why didn't you shoot McKlusky and the Turke as soon as you got out of the bathroom, just like Clemenza told you to do so? Why did you sit there and engage in the converation with them?

Why didn't you take revenge on your bodyguard who blew up your wife in the car? That was messed up man.

And why did you kill Fredo? You know he was stupid. He didn't know what he was getting involved with.

Instead you should've killed the governer. He dissed you and your family.

Why did you give Rocco that suicide job? You know Hyman Rothe was closely guarded with guys that were all packing.

Why didn't you wack your wife for aborting her pregnacy and killing your baby boy that you always wanted? I'm suprised you let her live. Come to think about it, you got soft as you got older.

You should've killed Joey Salso immediately after he arranged the hit on your nephew Vincent.

Why didn't you kill Benny Blanco? If you would've gotten rid of him earlier in the episode, he wouldn't have come to the train and shot you. Man that was stupid of you. You became a good citizen when you get old. I just realized how much of a punk you really are for faking this illness. The old Michael, or Carlito, or Tony would've just ordered the hit on the witnesses, the judge and the jury. This situation is shameful. I wish you was really sick. I would pull this little plug right here. You see I'm not a punk like you. I would've pull it just like this. Now thats a real gangsta right there. Thats something you would've did when you was young right? right? Oh shit!


Trishy said...

I love the portrayal of the demented fan. I don't know too much about Al Pacino's work, but I felt that I understood for the most part. I would say that maybe you should develop the background information a bit more. I know the narrator is in the hospital room, but the shifts aren't too clear. Also be careful when proofreading; there are a few grammar mistakes. I loved it overall; nothing's better than celebrity satire.

William said...

This is a nice blend from last week's assignment and your workshop--wait to tackle two things at once.

Now, the piece itself is somewhat comical, perhaps due the irony that surrounds it. The fan seems too caught up on the fictional work of the actor and the actor himself to the point that it seems he's forgotten the distinction between the two, all gloriously justified in his belief that it's all a "plot", so two questions naturally arise: has he actually lost the sense of reality or is he just slow enough to not understand the difference between the two (and the seriousness of the situation)? It really comes down to the end two assume a little of both when he inadvertently kills(or at least is suggested) his most beloved person.

This comical character, I think, could be exploited for other innocent yet tragic situations. This is a start but he may have a long way still to run, if you make it so.

nadia said...

This is really great. I like the how, as William said, you used last week's assignment and created something very interesting. i really liked the response of the character of "al Pacino" as if he was struggling to answer. You created a great and curious character whose ironic mind was set for the impression of the killer. I think you did a great job in this assignment.

Maria said...

I thought this peice was really funny. Maybe it would make a little more sense if the main character was a patient in the hospital who happended to walk into the room. I liked the fact that the fan can't differentiate between the real person, and his movie personalities.

Jody-Ann said...

hey Tyrike ... your piece was indeed funny. But there are some sentences that could use punctuations, such as question marks, and quotations marks just for clarity and so the reader knows who is saying what and the tone in which these things are being said (probably a dialog format). In addition i think i would have been more interesting if the patient did something at different parts of his interrogation. For example; tried to answer one of the questions you had asked him, or if his heart monitor starting acting crazy when you started telling him he's a punk or he got soft; this would have added some drama/ twist to the piece.