Tuesday, November 4, 2008

This is just a poem I've been working on. I would love to know what you guys think! Thanks

"Is this Normal?"

You say one thing
But do you mean another?
Sometimes I believe you
But sometimes I don’t.
There’s so much confusion
Is this normal?
One day I’m happy
But other days I’m not.
I’m emotionally unstable
Is that your fault?
You do everything right
But you do a lot of things wrong.
You know exactly how to make me smile
But you know exactly how to make me frown.
Is this normal?
Everyone must feel this way at a point in time
I should just deal with it right?
Maybe this feeling will go away soon.
When I’m with you it feels perfect
When I’m not with you it feels perfect.
What am I supposed to feel?
There’s so much confusion
Is this normal?


nadia said...

This is the question of the day; "What am i supposed to feel". I really liked reading this. It portrayed a lot of suppressed emotions that seemed bottled up within you. Its a great topic to write about and was very interesting to read.

Maria said...

I like how you contrast your feelings to both positive and negative feelings. I can easily relate to this, as I think anyone else can. Posing the question to the reader is great because I then become an active contributor to your ideas adressed in the poem. Maybe you can expand on the person that makes you feel this way? I thnk that would give the poem more depth than it already has.

Jody-Ann said...

I love your piece, very nice. Its direct straight to the point. Most people can relate to it and its comprehensible; The reader won't be puzzled after reading it... Very Nice i wouldn't change any parts of it very nice organization and clarity.