Monday, November 24, 2008

When To say Good- Bye

Say Good-bye to the flowers when they have lost their tantalizing aromas and radiant colors.
Say Good-bye when the day is gone as the clock struck 12 midnight. Then tell yourself a new day has now begun and you now have a fresh start at life again.
Say Good-bye to missed opportunities, whether it was a chance to retaliate against an injustice; or failure to participate in new a activity that could have provided immense gratification.
Say Good-bye to it and put it to rest, for why bother torment yourself with agonizing regrets? Say it to loved ones that had died and tell yourself one day you will get to see them again.
Say Good-bye to lost love, to some one that has deserted you in your time of need.
Say Good- bye When the one you had made a conscious decision to love, share your mind, body and soul with doesn't want to be with you anymore.
It would be an premature thing to say that one can easily get over these are things, for i beg to differ. But, why stress yourself over the what ifs' and what should haves'? take a minute or two and ponder... don't get caught up in this cyclical psychological torture. Instead cease the moment for what it was, analyze it so you know how to deal with a similar situations in the future. Then pull yourself together and say Good-bye to it, maybe not forever reflection is imminent. However, you should always remember not to get stuck there because it's just going to lead to mental drama.
Saying Good-bye is the first sign of letting go and allowing yourself to return to a state of equilibrium. At this point you can be happy, enjoy life and look more optimistically towards the future ... perhaps go out and buy new flowers or allow yourself to find a new love.

1 comment:

William said...

This reminds me of the those "help yourself" type of guides; great advice though. On the other hand I feel that you could have broken it up into stanzas (if it's a poem) or organize it into different paragraphs (where appropriate) as to provide a clearer guide of the content. Unless, of course, your intention was different.