Saturday, November 1, 2008

From Maria: Workshop November 5th

Everybody wants a body
That looks like a Covergirl body
Exercise to the day, and at night we tire
But we continue because we want that body.
We buy and ogle at those fixtures,
We fantasize, and practice their mode,
Though, don’t we know they are more than clay?
Are they not just like us? Breath, eat, begot, and beget.
Plaster anyone in that sort of pedestal and
The harder they fall: Movie stars who failed
To make their alter egos real;
James Dean, Marilyn Monroe, one you might know,
Heath Ledger, who has the last laugh now?
All who seemed to have made it,
Didn’t in their heads,
Layered by pretense, and self-hate,
Didn’t realize they were as human
As those who begot their fame.

Can we be blamed for their heartache and pain?
Prescription pills, drugs, and booze,
All they wanted was to be liked by you.

Their lives are an open book to anyone with a blog,
Turn on your T.V., who do you see?
Could you care less?
Propaganda?, maybe.
Diversion from truth and reality? Definitely.
Stand back a sec, couldn’t that be you?

Our world is placed upside down,
Those who fight, die forgotten.
Those who have money
Are forever revered.
Children dying, starving, dehydrating
While another takes his life,
Couldn’t do anything better?
Couldn’t stop thinking about himself.

We starve ourselves from lack of Knowledge,
Just can’t quench our thirst for more
Hypocrites and liars,
O wait, isn’t that their job?

What’s holding you back from
Facing the music?


Trishy said...

I love the topic. Celebrity is something most have an understanding of. I liked the poem, but I felt that your word usage was a bit awkward at times. You rhyme occasionally and the beat is a bit off. The beginning is also a tad repetitive. You say body in the first three lines. Your topic also seems to switch; it goes from asking for the ideal body to the struggle of celebrity. I do love the topic and I think your ideas are expressed very well. I think though that a bit more organization could make this poem even better than it is.

nadia said...

I personally liked the beginning topic of what seemed to be body disorders and i thought that you were going to stick with that subject. But you flowed straight into another topic of prescription pills, drugs, and booze. I think that you should either introduce both topics in the into of the poem and work form their connecting the two or stick with one topic. But if you connect the two you can get a great poem of Americans or people taking advantage of life whereas there are some people who dont even have potential to reach what we are offered. Otherwise your ideas are great but i feel like you still have to work on it a little bit more to perfect it.

Jacob Kutnicki said...

This is a great piece of Social commentary. I feel like you are the voice of millions of people who look to people like you to say what they are unable to say. I was not distracted by the switching of topics as nadia was, I feel like it was necessary in order to fully grasp the big picture of what your were talking about.

halliejean said...

I really loved the lines:

All who seemed to have made it,
Didn’t in their heads,
Layered by pretense, and self-hate,
Didn’t realize they were as human
As those who begot their fame.

I also liked the section towards the end:
Children dying, starving, dehydrating
While another takes his life,
Couldn’t do anything better?
Couldn’t stop thinking about himself.

I thought it was showing disdain for successful people who become engulfed in themselves and commit suicide rather than using their status and means to help better the world. Is that what you meant?

William said...

Interesting to hear other people's opinion on this subject. I feel that you're making a genuine argument without being too invasive to be considered disdainful to some people who may appreciate the subject matter. It is merely provocative for discussion, which in it of itself is a good thing in a text like this.

Aside from that, there were some sections that I feel better wording (not in choice but in structure) would have made it clearer to read (at least to me). For instance when you say "While another takes his life" would be clearer if you said "While another takes his own life" so it doesn't sound like you're referring to someone else introduced in the piece (in this case the children, ignoring the plurality discordance and gender bias), just little things like that.

Maria said...

Thanks guys, I appreciate the comments and critiques from all of you. I was worried some of the wording would confuse people. I'll make sure to rephrase some of the stanzas.
I just wanted to address Hallie; That's exactly what I meant when I wrote that stanza. People die everyday, yet celebrities have the audacity to place themselves above world problems.