Monday, October 13, 2008

Columbus Day update

Hey writers. Thanks, Angie, Shane, and William. I'm genuinely excited about discussing your work on Wednesday; all three of you have posted some original and challenging stuff. I have to wag my finger at you too, however: you can't leave it so long to post, because not everyone has the luxury of time on weekday evenings for reading and responding. Now that the work is up, though, I'd like to see the rest of you weigh in.

Thanks, too, to those of you who sent me text message poems this week. I enjoyed hearing my phone jingle now and then to signal the arrival of a new poem. So I decided to reward you with the same electronic thrill: I'm forwarding poems to those who sent them to me. If you want to get a poem but you didn't text me, just email me your number.

In the meantime, here are just a few of the messages I got. I'm leaving the line breaks as they appeared on my phone (except the 2nd one, which had line breaks indicated).


Trees are somethin

We receive paper
from them

Seasons change
their looks

In spring leaves are

In summer leaves
are orange

Winter leaves
are gone


Blind 2 the i, can not c
wat it iz that lies in 4nt of me
we live lives full ov uncertainty
but 2 truly live, that's how it shuld b


C.I.T.Y. Da Dirty
streets n high
concrete. Birds no
longer sing tunes as
sweet. Da foggy city
whose lost its bloom.
Nature's death has
come too soon.

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