Tuesday, October 7, 2008


It's all getting dimmer and darker,
The sounds aren't loud.
The clouds look like silk.
The sun is hot, you're in a sauna.
The leaves on the trees are falling slowly,
as if running away from their trunks.
Ring, ring, your alarm clock sounds, and now you're awake.


Corey Frost said...

I really like the lines "The sounds aren't loud./ The clouds look like silk." because there is such resonance between the three "ou" sounds, which contrasts nicely with the clicking of the k's in "look like silk."

Is this all about a dream? What do you guys think?

Justine said...

I think that this poem is taking place in a dream or maybe even daydreaming. I know that the last line suggests that the person in the poem is "now awake" at the end so they must have been sleeping, but it still reminds me of that knodding iff feeling while daydreaming. When I day dream my mind gets so focused on what I am thinking about that I tend to drift off. Maybe the alarm clock is not a typical alarm clock, maybe your on the train, and you hear the doors chime when they close?
I think the imagery in this poem. It is very comforting. It reminds me of when I was a little kid and I would lay in the grass and stair at the sky and just get lost in the beauty around me.

Justine said...

i meant to write that I like the imagery in this poem, not think the imagery in this poem.