Sunday, October 26, 2008

Workshop for 10/29 pt. 1 (multiples)


multiples focus you
on words of like syllables
but really who
understands if nobody is feeling you
silly fools
think they comprehend your thought process
but what happens they can't guess
which word arrives next
when the content
of the words are changed
they don't remain the same
because you changed the object
a way to maintain the progress,
when you're trying to make a lot
when you've been given a lot less

1 comment:

Trishy said...

The first part of the poem is a little unclear; "mulitiples focus you on words of like syllables". Also, I'm curiious to know who this "you" is. I like the idea you use for this piece but I think that giving more background information about the person being addressed would make this piece even stronger. I love the concept though, great job!