Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I Remember

I remember the cold nights in the woods sitting in front of the camp fire.
I remember the infamous bottle of Pepsi that was always in the fridge.
I remember the time my mother got my friend Susan and I matching outfits with big green and purple buttons down the front.
And the time when she bought my sister Allie and I MC Hammer looking ensembles with pants and matching vests, and how we used to dance to “Can’t Touch This” while wearing them.
I remember how sick I got from eating cheesecake on my fifth birthday while watching Fevile goes West at my aunt’s house in New Jersey, but needless to say I don’t remember the taste of cheesecake.
I remember my first boyfriend, how he asked me out, and how when we went to the movies and he tried to put his arm around me to kiss me he poked me in the eye instead.
I remember the sounds of my grandfather’s cough caused by smoking two packs of lucky strikes a day.
I remember digging a giant hole at the beach big enough for me and three of my friends and the umbrella to cover us inside of it.
I remember when I found out my mom was having another baby, and then finding out that she was handicap.
I remember holding my sister as a baby, helping to feed her because she had a tube to her stomach. The first time she drank a bottle herself, she was in my arms and I was wearing my care bear pajamas.
I remember the feeling I got right before during and after my boyfriend kissed me for the first time.
I also remember how he made me feel like I was on cloud nine.
I remember the feeling of being hung over for the first time, and that my grandpa thought I had food poisoning.
I remember leaving the club in a tank top in the dead of winter because my friend’s boyfriend totaled her car and she just had to leave and walk around, it was snowing and freezing.
I remember the day I slide into third and wore blood on my jersey for the rest of the game.
I remember the first time that the boyfriend told me he loved me, 8/29/06.
I remember the way I felt the last time I hugged my grandpa.
And how I felt the next day when I was told that he was gone.
I remember the way my heart melted when I went to get my dog, then the other dog and then my kittens, both of them.
I remember playing man hunt for hours.
I remember when roller bladeing down “dead man’s hill” was the coolest thing ever.
I remember my first day of school, every year.
I remember the first time I had gotten my heart broken.
I remember never leaving home without my Ragity Anne doll.
I remember making skinny snow men in the back yard.

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