Saturday, October 4, 2008

Poem #2- Option 1

Original Version:

I know we're still young
But how can something mean so much?
I don't unerstand how people get into it and get out of it so quick.
How can boys be such jerks?

Then there's the three out of ten that'd do anything for you.
There's the sweet ones, the jocks, the slackers.
How do you know which to pick?
There's one I know I'll never let go of,
but how did he let go of me?

He was one special guy;
It's weird how he can just say goodbye.
He's a great guy deep down,
I'll tell you that much.
Oh boy, do I care about him a bunch.

Translated Version:

I know we' re young immovable But how can something to mean so much?
I don' unerstand of t how people obtain in him and leave him so fast.
How can the boys be such pulls?
Then there' s the three outside ten that' d makes any thing for you.
There' s the candies, the athletes, slackers.
How you know which to choose?
There' s one I know I' ll never left goes of,
but how did he lets to go of me?
It was a special individual;
It' strange s how he can as soon as to say goodbye.
He' great individual of the S.A. deeply down,
I' ll says much to him that.
Oh the boy, makes care of I exceeds he a handful.

1 comment:

nadia said...

I liked the original poem. Did you write that or did you find that from somewhere? If you did write it, i wouldnt rhyme in the end just because you didnt throughout the whole poem. The translation is actually a bit humourous. I liked how jerks translated into pulls and sweet ones translated into candies.