Sunday, October 19, 2008


I remember the first time I kissed a boy, I hit my head on the heater and my eyes were not even closed

I remember my high school prom. As I was driving home from getting my hair done, I saw somebody get hit by a bus.

I remember my cousin’s 23rd birthday. As he was called to receive his cake, he was throwing up in the bathroom and we never actually got to eat it.

I remember the first time I went karyoking, I lost my voice right afterwards

I remember my first day in AP History. My teacher came in slammed the door, and promised all of us that we were going to fail.

I remember the day my cousin got married, my parents made me wear a ridiculously ugly dress.

I remember the day that I met one of my very good friends. She came up to me and asked if I was Persian.

I remember my first boyfriend. I was told that he was a “player” but I did not believe anyone. Let me tell you I GOT PLAYED!

I remember the first test I cheated on. I learned the spelling and my friend learned the definitions. It was a team effort and together we got a hundred.

I remember the first movie I saw where there was a sex scene. My father made me close my eyes and then he turned the channel

I remember the day my friend fainted in junior high school. Right before they took her to the hospital, she kissed me on my forehead and begged me to keep her from going to the “loony house”.

I remember when school used to be so easy. Now they are practically offering suicide as the only way to succeed

I remember when I had time to do everything. These days, I feel like I don’t even have time to breath

I remember when I thought money was not the ultimate means for happiness rather it was health and love. Boy I was wrong!


Corey Frost said...

Your memories are rather violent: head-knocking, birthday-vomiting, friends fainting, and people getting hit by buses. Yikes.

Maria said...

WOW. Your memories are violent, but at the same time you talk about sincere thoughts like, the second to last stanza and last stanza. This is a feeling that I think any student or working person would feel. This life makes us believe we can do anything with out lives, its indoctrinated from childhood, yet when we want to follow our hearts, society tears us down! I also like the fact that your memories seem so "movie-like" and unreal, because they are so extreme. Interesting memories!