Monday, October 6, 2008

This is the original poem (written by me for my high school yearbook)

Stand with me as the waves churn wildly beneath us.
The sky is ablaze with color, casting fire on the water,
Revealing to us the breadth of true infinity
As it lies in the wide-open world.
What, fear? But to turn back now would be to fail.
We have explored this completely, left no stone unturned,
Taken all we can,
And learned all that we have in this place
To take on the unknown that is just beyond our grasp.
But keep in mind, friend - the ocean does wonders.
The foam may blind us, the stones may bruise us,
The darkness may confuse us, the current may separate us,
And yet the waters will bring us
To lands that escape the realms of thought
To worlds that will never be dreamt of.
And so, let us prepare to dive, for the sun is setting.
(Is it rising?
Well, Time is a talker - all will be told tomorrow.)
Hesitation and regret, may you be our only foes
As we make our way to places that we shall one day call our own.

And after being translated into Russian and back to English:

The stand with me as waves turns дико below us.
The sky flares from color, throwing fire in water,
Disclosing to us breadth of true infinity
As it is in widely open world.
What, fear? But to come back now would mean to suffer failure.
We investigated it completely before what have not stopped,
Taken all we can,
And studied everything, that we have in this place
To take unknown which is only outside of ours схватывания.
But keep in mind, the friend - ocean does miracles.
Foam can ослепить us, stones can ушибить us,
Darkness can confuse us, the stream can separate us,
And still waters will bring to us
To the countries which avoid empires of an idea
To the worlds which will never be dreamed about.
And so, allow us to be going to dive, as the sun establishes.
(It raises?
Well, Time - speaking - to all will speak tomorrow.)
Fluctuation and regret, can be you our unique opponents
As we make the way to places, that we once shall name our own.

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