Monday, October 27, 2008

Thoughts of Death

Creative writing
Professor Frost
Jody- Ann Hall
October 26, 2008

Thoughts of Death
By Jody-Ann Hall

Death, being dead, umm these words alone loathes me. They themselves declare a BOLD and CLEAR statement; they illustrate their own meaning while sending a terrifying sensation throughout my body. A sentence is simply not necessary. If would be a unproductive task to find words to juxtapose with the death/ dead just to form grammatically correct sentence; or even to define what the words mean… it’s simply not necessary. The words death/ dead convey darkness, life less/ a sudden end to breathing and bodily movements, a state of numbness…. of unconsciousness…. of stillness, all of which comes to mind with the simple utterance of these words.

I have often wondered where it came from. It comes riding in like the headless in the movie “Sleepy Hollow”. It rides in on a stallion angrily snatching the lives of people at times unexpectedly and in gruesome fashions. It never ceases to amaze me how death has the authority to claims whomever or whatever it puts its filthy paws. Where did “IT” come from? Who gave “IT” such permission? I wonder.

To add to this death has taken it upon itself to delegate its duties of claiming lives to the likes of : sergeants disease, who as then delegated duties to other army of misfits, such as cancer, AIDS, freak accidents, drug over dose and the list goes on and on. There are so many ways in which death manifest itself to carry out the same dirty job: to kill/ snatch away life.

Many people consider death to be the “Great Equalizer,” this is an ideology proposed even by some religions. Due to the simple fact that everyone one will have to succumb to the king of darkness when they are summoned whether by force or willing. Everyone will be consumed by death at some point despite if they had lived a morally righteous life or an evil one. Whether it was a life of poverty or wealth as noted we all face the same fate in the end.

On a personal note:

“Death you disgust me! You have taken away so many loved ones and even innocent lives how dare YOU?! You should climb back underneath the rock you came from. Stop with this madness this instance.... You often leave us to wonder whom will you come after next, causing us to live our lives in fear. Why can’t you leave us be?? Stop snatching our breaths away sending our bodies in a state of unconsciousness. Because of you, our bodies are sealed away in a box, placed in a grave and left for decay, left to be eaten by maggots and other flesh-eating serpents. Death you are… you… you ugly, ugly thing you!! This is just what I think of you. Although you have instilled fear in me as well by, BOLDLY claiming lives all around me. I felt it was necessary to tell you how I feel about you. Now that I have done so I will continue to live MY LIFE until you come on your horse angrily in search for me.”

1 comment:

Trishy said...

I really like what you tried to do with this piece. I would say that I really loved the second half of it. It's so passionate and shows very well what you were trying to do. The first part feels a little awkward with the fluidity of the rest of the piece, especially the fluidity at the end. You also had some article and subject verb agreement grammar mistakes so just read it over. Overall, it was a very powerful and moving piece and I loved it.